Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Yanhua Mini ACDP:CAS3/CAS3+ Add Keys

Confirmed: BMW Mini Cooper remote programming can be done by Yanhua Mini ACDP programmer.
If it is CAS3, ACDP can do via OBD, if it is CAS3+, ACDP can do only after dismantling the CAS3+ and program new key using interface board.

Method 1: ACDP program remote on Mini Cooper using the interface board

Method 2: ACDP program remote on Mini Cooper via OBD
Obd port: located in the driver side, on the left
Connection: Mini ACDP is connected to the car, through OBD
Yanhua-ACDP-CAS3-add-key-2 Yanhua-ACDP-CAS3-add-key-3
The test:
Insert the key
Run Mini ACDP application on the mobile
Run BMW module programming
Select CAS3/CAS3+
OBD mode
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-6
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-7
Step 1: read CAS data
Step 2: generate a dealer key/program a key
Step 3: write new key data into CAS
Step 1: read CAS data
ACDP is gonna to read CAS data
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-8
Pop-up: Take out the key and wait for 5 min.
If the key without ignition-start function, take the key outside the car, 3m away
Read immo data successfully
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-9
File (CAS3_ORGKEYxxxx.bin) has been backup.
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-10
Upload bin file
Save the immo data to generate a dealer key
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-11

Step 2: generate a dealer key/program a key
Yanhua ACDP is gonna to add a new key
Check the connection of BAV adapter
Prepare a blank key
Choose the correct bin file with immo data
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-12
Here select Key 5 to program
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-13
Note: Gray number is used for the original key
The black numbers are available for calculation
Pop-up: It’s one of keys available. If you enable a new key, the original key will not work anymore.
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-14
Select a method to generate a dealer key
Here: add a new key with a working key
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-15
Check if the key is a smart one or not. If yes, you have to choose Key 1-3
Here: it’s not a smart key
Go to add a new key
Insert the blank key to program
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-16
ACDP successfully programmed a new key
The generated CAS data includes the new key info.
Pls go to write new data into CAS
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-17
File is backup
Upload file (will be written into CAS...DLRKEY...bin)

Step 3: write new key data into CAS
Insert the original key before you’re gonna to write data into CAS
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-18
Go to update key data
Select the correct bin file
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-19
Select a method to generate a dealer key
Here: add a new key with a working key
Updating new immo data
(writing the key data into CAS)
Immo data is updated successfully.
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-20
Backup data
Please install the CAS into the car and try the new key to start.
Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-21 Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-22
The ELV is faulty; you should synchronize it
 Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-23
Go to special function, synchronize CAS and ELV
 Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-24
Synchronize CAS and ELV successfully
 Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-25
Backup data
Insert the new key again to start
 Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-26
The dashboard works well, without fault codes
 Yanhua ACDP CAS3 add key-27



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